Why Self-Care is Non-Negotiable for Busy Moms (and how to make it work in YOUR schedule)

health & wellness Jul 14, 2024
self-care for busy moms

How many times have you told yourself, "I'll wake up early tomorrow to work out," or "I'll make healthier choices for lunch and dinner," or "I'll make time for breakfast," and then the list goes on and on, right?

I used to be the mom who pushed through, always putting everyone's needs ahead of my own. But guess what? It got me nowhere except feeling exhausted  ALL.  THE.  TIME!

Here’s the reality check we all need to hear: Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s essential!

We often feel pressured to be the "supermom" who can do it all without breaking a sweat. But this is an unrealistic expectation that leads to constant exhaustion. If you’re always putting yourself last, it’s only a matter of time before you hit a breaking point.

Neglecting self-care doesn't just affect you—it impacts everyone around you. When you're constantly tired, your patience wears thin, stress levels soar, and your health suffers. Think of it like trying to pour from an empty cup. Here’s what happens when you don’t prioritize yourself:

  • Increased Stress: Without regular self-care, stress builds up, making it harder to handle daily challenges. Who hasn’t literally felt the stress creep up their back and into their shoulders? There are both physical and mental signs!
  • Physical Health Decline: Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and minimal exercise can lead to chronic health problems, which only get harder to manage the deeper you get into them.
  • Emotional Drain: Constantly putting others first can lead to feelings of resentment and emotional exhaustion. (Raise your hand if you’ve felt that before!)
  • Decreased Productivity: Running on empty means you're not performing at your best, affecting both work and home life. You might tell yourself that you’re being productive by working at 11:00 pm or staying up late to put away laundry, but I promise, you’ll suffer in the long run!

The words "self-care" can be triggering for some, right? Sometimes you hear it and roll your eyes because you're like, “Yeah, right—I don’t have time for that.” But self-care is about recharging so you can be the amazing mom, partner, and professional you are. It involves taking steps to ensure you’re healthy, happy, and functioning at your best.

Let’s flip those problems around. Taking care of yourself will help you:

  • Boost Energy Levels: When you prioritize rest, nutrition, and movement, it helps you maintain your energy throughout the day.
  • Reduce Stress: Simple practices like deep breathing, meditation, or even just a quiet cup of tea can lower your stress levels.
  • Improve Mood: Taking time for activities you enjoy or practicing gratitude can elevate your mood and outlook.
  • Enhance Productivity: When you're well-rested and healthy, you're more efficient and effective in your daily tasks.
  • Strengthen Relationships: When you're at your best, you can give your best to your loved ones, improving your relationships.

Once you realize that self-care is simply taking care of yourself as you take care of everyone else, you take the guilt out of it. You want to be there for your family, so taking care of yourself is the first step.

Practical Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

Okay, I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t have time for self-care.” I used to think the same way, rolling my eyes at the idea of finding time for myself. But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be time-consuming. Even small changes can make a big difference. Trust me on this one. Here are some practical tips that fit into even the busiest schedules:

  • Micro-Moments of Rest: Take small breaks throughout the day to close your eyes and breathe deeply, even if it's just for 5 minutes. Think about those moments when you’re waiting in the car line or during a quick bathroom break—use those snippets of time to reset.
  • Healthy Snacking: Keep nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, or yogurt on hand to keep your energy levels steady throughout the day. It's so much easier to grab a handful of almonds, or make a quick protein shake than to regret eating that leftover donut later.
  • Short Exercise Sessions: Even a 10-minute walk or quick yoga session can be incredibly beneficial. I set an alarm to remind myself to do 10 squats an hour. It might sound silly, but it works!
  • Prioritize Sleep: Ok, I get it—saying "prioritize sleep" to a mom is like saying "just relax" to someone who’s stressed out. But creating a bedtime routine that signals it’s time to wind down can make a huge difference. Small adjustments like reducing screen time before bed can improve sleep quality. Did you know that the blue light from screens can mess with your sleep cycle? Try switching off your devices at least an hour before bed.
  • Set Boundaries: This one can be tough, but learning to say no to extra commitments that drain your energy is crucial. I’ve had to learn this the hard way. Sometimes, it means saying no to baking 50 cupcakes for the school fundraiser or declining a last-minute work project.

Before making any changes, take a moment to evaluate your current routine. Where are you overcommitting? What can you delegate or remove from your to-do list? Identifying these areas will help you make room for self-care.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It’s easy to dismiss self-care as something you can’t afford. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them:

  • Sacrificing Sleep: Staying up late to finish tasks, binge-watch your favorite TV show, or scroll on social media won’t help in the long run. Prioritize sleep—it’s the foundation of good health. You might think you’re getting ahead by staying up, but you’re just borrowing energy from tomorrow.
  • Skipping Meals: Skipping meals or grabbing fast food on the go can leave you feeling sluggish. Try to have balanced, nutritious meals even if they’re simple. I keep a stash of healthy snacks in my bag to avoid the drive-thru trap.
  • Ignoring Stress: Don’t brush off your stress. Take time to relax and unwind, whether it’s through meditation, a hobby, or just a quiet moment. I used to think I could just push through stress, but it always caught up with me.
  • Not Asking for Help: Delegate tasks and ask for help when you need it. You don’t have to do everything on your own. This was a game-changer for me—letting go of the supermom myth and accepting that it's okay to ask for support.

Take the First Step Towards Better Self-Care

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential. By taking care of yourself, you’re better equipped to take care of your loved ones. It’s time to break free from the supermom myth and embrace the reality that you deserve to feel good too.

If you're ready to start making these changes and need a structured plan, check out my free training, Mom’s Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great. This training is designed to help you find manageable ways to incorporate self-care into your busy life, ensuring you have the energy and joy to be your best self.

Take care of yourself, because you matter!

Feel energized, clear-headed, and balanced with simple steps that fit into your busy life - starting in just 6 days.


Feeling stuck and exhausted, no matter what you try? This 6-day reset if for busy moms who want to make changes. Learn simple, sustainable steps to finally boost your energy and feel like yourself again - without adding more to your plate!

Join me for "Mom's Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great" and discover how to boost your energy with simple, manageable steps that fit perfectly into your busy schedule.

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