Overstimulated, Overwhelmed, and Just Plain Exhausted: The Hidden Struggle of Being a Mom

health & wellness Aug 19, 2024
overwhelmed, overstimulated mom

If you are like me, you have for sure had one of these days where it feels like the world is closing in on you? You’re trying to get dinner on the table, the kids are arguing over who gets to watch what on TV, your phone is buzzing with unread emails and text messages, and the last straw? You’re just trying to go to the bathroom in peace, but then you hear it: "Mom!"

Sound familiar? You’re not angry. You’re not upset. You’re just overstimulated—plain and simple. And it’s taking a toll on your body, mind, and emotions in ways you might not even realize.

The Reality of Overstimulation

Being a mom means being constantly on call. Someone always needs something, and it’s usually needed right now. It’s no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed. Your senses are in overdrive, and your nervous system is working overtime to keep up. This isn’t just about feeling frazzled; it’s about what happens when your body and mind are bombarded with too much, too often.

Overstimulation isn’t just a mental or emotional issue—it’s a physical one too. When you’re in a constant state of "fight or flight," your body starts to produce more cortisol, the stress hormone. Dr. Amy Shah, a double board-certified MD and nutrition expert, explains that chronic overstimulation can lead to cortisol dysregulation. This means your body is pumping out stress hormones at the wrong times, making you feel tired when you should be energized and wired when you should be winding down.

And it doesn’t stop there. High cortisol levels over time can lead to inflammation in your body, which is linked to everything from weight gain to sleep issues to that constant feeling of exhaustion that no amount of coffee can fix. Dr. Mark Hyman, a well-known functional medicine expert, often talks about how this cycle of stress and inflammation is a recipe for burnout.

But I don’t want you to think you have to feel this way forever. There are simple, practical steps you can take to support your adrenals, lower your cortisol, and reduce inflammation—without adding more to your already full plate. Things that once I realized and implemented (and continue to implement) really helped me.

What Overstimulation is Doing to Your Body and Mind

So, what’s really happening in your body when you’re overstimulated? Let’s break it down:

  1. Adrenal Fatigue: Your adrenals are small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and produce hormones like cortisol. When you’re constantly stressed, your adrenals can become overworked and start to struggle. This can leave you feeling tired all the time, even after a full night’s sleep.
  2. Cortisol Spikes and Crashes: You want your cortisol levels peak in the morning to help you wake up and then gradually decrease throughout the day. But when you’re overstimulated, this rhythm gets thrown off. You might find yourself feeling wired at bedtime and dragging through the afternoon. And then at bed time when you are supposed to be falling asleep, your brain is racing…and your cortisol has spiked. 
  3. Inflammation: High cortisol levels can lead to inflammation, which affects every part of your body. You might notice more aches and pains, digestive issues, or even skin problems. Inflammation is also linked to mood disorders like anxiety and depression, making it even harder to feel like yourself.

Three Practical Ways to Support Your Body When You’re Overstimulated

Okay, so we’ve talked about the problem. But what can you do about it? Here are three practical, no-nonsense tips that you can start implementing right now to help calm your nervous system and support your body:

  1. Eat Real Food: I know, I know—who has time to meal prep when you’re already stretched thin? But this is so important because processed foods can increase inflammation and make you feel worse. Start small. I want you to think about what you can swap - maybe you always grab a muffin from the break room, or grab some Cheez-its for an afternoon snack - instead, swap something else out. If you are looking for something salty - what about some homemade trail mix. If something sweet - how about a smoothie, or some apples with nut butter. These little changes can help stabilize your blood sugar and give your adrenals a break.
  2. Breathe—Literally: Don’t roll your eyes here - and stay with me. When’s the last time you took a deep breath? I’m talking about a real, belly-filling breath. Deep breathing can activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is basically your body’s "rest and digest" mode. It’s a simple way to lower cortisol and calm your mind, even in the middle of chaos. When you are feeling overwhelmed, try this: inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. Repeat a few times and notice how your body starts to relax. This has become so helpful for me - and guess what, when you do this - you start to model it for your kids (now mine do it sometimes too!)
  3. Move—But Make it Gentle: Exercise is great for lowering cortisol, but if you’re already stressed out, intense workouts might do more harm than good. Instead, focus on gentle movement like walking, stretching, or yoga. These activities can help reduce inflammation and give you a natural energy boost without overstimulating your nervous system. 

Final Thoughts

I see you, and I get it. This mom-life thing is no joke. And if you are in a season of firsts and milestone years like me - it can be a bit extra on your stress system. 

But here’s the truth: you don’t have to stay stuck in the cycle of overstimulation and exhaustion. By making small, manageable changes—like eating real food, practicing deep breathing, and moving your body in gentle ways—you can start to support your adrenals, lower your cortisol, and reduce inflammation.

And the best part? You can do it without adding more to your plate. It’s about making choices that serve you and your well-being, so you can show up as the mom you want to be. Because let’s face it - no one can replace “Mom.”

I want you to remember when you feel overstimulated, want to snap, and don’t know what to do.You’ve got the tools to take care of yourself, even in the midst of the chaos. Small steps over time will lead to a big transformation - remember it just takes one decision and one action to move forward.

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