Diaries, Doodles, and Dreams: The Unspoken Wellness Boost of Journaling

mindset & motivation Oct 23, 2023

Hi there, friends. 

Remember those diaries we used to scribble in during our teenage years, filled with dreams, crushes, and oh-so-serious life dilemmas? What if I told you that this simple act of writing can be a game-changer for your wellness and health journey? Yes, I'm talking about journaling, a secret sauce that many of us overlook. As someone who has ridden the wellness roller coaster herself, trust me when I say – journaling is a ticket to understanding ourselves better and ensuring intentional wellness. Let's dive into why it is so important for you. 

The Heart of the Matter: Why Journaling is Essential for Your Well-being

  • Prioritization and Balance: One thing I've noticed in my clients (and in myself during my tougher days) is the paralysis of prioritization. With so many roles to play – mother, daughter, professional, partner, etc – it's overwhelming. Journaling allows you to declutter your mind, sort out your priorities, and find that sought-after balance. As you pour your thoughts onto paper, patterns emerge, and what truly matters becomes clear.
  • Reclaim Stress-free Rest: One word – catharsis. Journaling is an emotional release. Those pent-up feelings, anxieties, and fears that keep you up at night? Pen them down. This simple act can give you the peace that leads to a restful night, rejuvenating your body and soul.
  • Making Informed Choices: Journaling offers a unique perspective – hindsight. By reviewing past entries, you can understand past decisions, their outcomes, and make better, self-nourishing choices moving forward.
  • Restoring Your Pep: Physical and emotional wellbeing is intertwined. Journaling helps in emotional detox, making you feel lighter, more positive, and yes, putting that pep back in your step!
  • A Nourishing Self-Care Routine: Who said self-care is all about spa days? (Though, let's admit, they're great!) Emotional self-care is equally important, and journaling is a warm hug to your soul, helping you establish a deeply nourishing routine. 
  • Gut Health and Overall Wellness: Science and studies have continually highlighted the connection between emotional well-being and gut health. Emotional stress can harm our gut balance. By journaling and managing stress, you’re indirectly promoting a healthier gut. A win-win, I’d say! I will spend more time on Gut Health in upcoming posts, but for now - check out this guide too!
  • Positive Inner Dialogue: Ah, the inner critic! We've all had bouts where we're our own harshest critics. Journaling lets you challenge these negative thoughts and replace them with kindness and self-acceptance. Over time, this shapes a gentler, more loving inner dialogue.

Make It A Habit: Integrating Journaling into Your Routine

I know you are saying right now - Nikki, I already have so much on my plate - why are you asking me to start something new. I don’t know when I will fit it in. Well, here are some tips to help you overcome that. 

  • Start Simple: A line or two, capturing your mood or major events of the day.
  • Set a Time: Maybe first thing in the morning to set your intentions or at night to reflect.
  • Choose a Medium You Love: A beautiful physical diary, a digital app, or even voice notes!
  • Be Authentic: It's your space. Be raw, be real, be you. No one else is reading this, so make it your own and really get your feelings on paper. 

Need Some Ideas? 

Sometimes we sit down and stare for too long not knowing where to start. So if you need some inspiration on what to write about to get you started (and let yourself go where you need to after) here are a few ideas: 

  1. Describe your vision of optimal health. What does a day in your healthiest, happiest life look like?

  2. List down the top five health and wellness goals you have right now. Which one feels the most pressing, and why?

  3. Write about a time you felt overwhelmed by all the advice out there. What triggered this feeling, and how did it affect your day or decisions?

  4. Think about a recent win, no matter how small. How did it make you feel? What led to this success?

  5. What's one health habit you'd like to develop in the next month? Visualize yourself successfully integrating it into your routine.

  6. How do you feel physically and emotionally right now? Are there any patterns you've noticed regarding your gut health and your emotions?

  7. Craft a positive affirmation that counters a negative or self-doubting thought you've had recently. How does it feel to say this affirmation out loud? If you are looking for ideas, check out my instagram feed (@intentional.wellness.coaching) for ideas on positive affirmations. 

Sometimes we overlook the simplest tools, ones that have been with us all along. Journaling isn't just an act; it's a journey, a mirror reflecting our deepest selves. And remember, every page you fill is a step closer to a more balanced, healthier, happier you.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember, I've been there, and I'm here to help. You've got this, and I've got you!

P.S. Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Reach out, and let’s chat. Your wellness story is waiting to be written (quite literally!). 💖📖

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