5 Simple Healthy Habits to Boost Your Energy During the Holiday Season

health & wellness Oct 07, 2024
healthy habits, holidays

It’s crazy to think we’re already into October, and the holidays are just around the corner (yikes!). I know you’re probably juggling a lot already. Personally, October is my favorite month of the year—the smells, the changing leaves, and, of course, sweatshirt weather (I live for a good, cute sweatshirt!).

Every year, it feels like you blink in October, and suddenly it’s January. By then, you’re rewriting all your goals, starting with “I want to [insert health goal here].” Sure, January’s great for fresh starts, but why wait until then to keep your energy up and stay on track? With just a few simple habits, you can feel great throughout the holiday season—without overwhelming yourself

Habit 1: Drink More Water

Let’s be honest—how many times have you heard “Drink more water”? It’s right up there with “Eat your veggies” and “Get more sleep.” But here’s the thing: staying hydrated can actually be a game-changer, especially during the busy holiday season.

When you’re running around—getting the kids to school, juggling work, and trying to remember the 47 things on your to-do list—water is usually the last thing on your mind. But staying hydrated helps you avoid those mid-afternoon crashes when you’re reaching for something sugary just to keep your eyes open.

I’ll admit, there are days when I forget to drink enough water too. That’s why I turned it into a game! Every time I refill my water bottle, I check it off my to-do list (because crossing something off just feels good). It’s a small win that keeps me motivated and makes hydration easier.

  • Quick Tip: If drinking water feels like a chore, try hydrating through foods too. Veggies like cucumbers, celery, and lettuce are packed with water and make great snacks.
  • Why It Works: Dehydration tricks you into thinking you’re hungry or tired when you’re really just thirsty. And studies show that even mild dehydration can lead to fatigue and lower concentration, especially for busy women. So next time you’re dragging in the afternoon, reach for water or hydrating veggies instead of a snack. You might be surprised how much better you feel. And yes, you can still enjoy your coffee; we’re not giving that up!

Habit 2: Add Protein to Breakfast

Mornings can be crazy (I have 3 kids in 3 different schools!). Between getting the kids ready, packing lunches, and searching for your keys, breakfast can feel like an afterthought. But adding protein to your morning routine is one of the easiest ways to boost your energy and avoid the dreaded 10 a.m. crash.

Here’s the best part—it doesn’t have to be complicated. Scrambled eggs, Greek yogurt, or a protein-packed smoothie are all super simple options that take less time than scrolling through your phone. When you start your day with a quick protein boost, you can cruise through the morning without feeling like you need a snack before lunch.

  • Quick Tip: Keep it simple! If you’re not sure what protein to add to your breakfast, grab my free Mom's Guide to Protein-Packed Meals for easy, family-friendly ideas that will give you energy all morning long. If you are looking for a clean protein powder, Just Ingredients is one you can’t beat. (Use ‘Intentionalwellness’ for 10% off).
  • Why It Works: Protein keeps you fuller for longer, stabilizes your blood sugar, and helps you avoid those mid-afternoon cravings that lead you straight to the snack drawer. You’ll feel more balanced and less likely to reach for something sugary to get you through the day. 

Habit 3: Get Morning Sunlight

I know what you’re thinking: “It’s dark when I wake up,” or “My mornings are already packed—there’s no way I have time for this.” Trust me, I get it. But even just a few minutes of morning sunlight can be a total game-changer, especially when you're juggling a million things.

Sunlight helps regulate your energy levels by waking up your brain and resetting your body’s natural clock (aka circadian rhythm). You don’t need hours of sunshine—just 10 minutes can make a difference. And if it’s still dark when you wake up, here’s a trick: use a light box or stand by a window as soon as the sun rises. It’s the tiny adjustments that really count.

  • Quick Tip: Try the "sky before screen" rule. Before you check emails or social media, step outside for a few minutes, even if it’s just to sip your coffee. If you can’t get outside, open a window to let some natural light in—it still makes a difference, even if it’s overcast.
  • Why It Works: Morning sunlight helps regulate your body’s natural clock, giving you more energy throughout the day and improving your sleep at night. And let’s face it, better sleep during the holidays is priceless!

Habit 4: Plan Snacks Ahead

We’ve all been there—hunger hits, and suddenly you’re grabbing whatever’s easiest…and I do not want you to turn “hangry.” The problem? During the holidays, “whatever’s easiest” usually means sugary treats that leave you feeling more tired than energized. Planning snacks ahead helps you avoid this trap without much effort.

Think about those moments when you’re rushing between errands or juggling after-school chaos. If you’ve got a healthy snack ready, you’re less likely to reach for the holiday cookies when hunger strikes.

  • Quick Tip: Not ready to prep for a whole week? No worries—start small! Have one or two go-to snacks for busy afternoons when you need something quick. A couple of my favorites?  Apples with nut butter and a little bit of my favorite clean protein powder in it, or cut veggies at the start of the week. If you need something even quicker, there are some great grab-and-go options that don’t have inflammatory oils or added sugars. A few brands I really like are Chomps, Simple Mills, Gimme (Seaweed Snacks), ThatsIt, Archer Farms. Having a few of these on hand makes it easy to make a healthier choice when you’re on the go - so you aren’t running through fast food drive through and feeling guilty (or yuck) later!
  • Why It Works: Having healthy snacks ready stops you from reaching for sugary treats or processed foods. Plus, it helps you feel more in control and satisfied—without the regret that comes from mindless snacking.

Habit 5: Prioritize Sleep

If there’s one habit that can make the biggest difference in how you feel, it’s sleep. It’s the foundation for everything—your energy, mood, and even how you handle those holiday treats. With the holidays fast approaching, it’s easy to let sleep slip to the bottom of your priority list (because, let’s be real, there’s always something else that needs to get done). But here’s the truth: even small improvements in your sleep routine can have a huge payoff.

  • Quick Tip: Try setting a consistent bedtime, and avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed. It sounds simple, but scrolling through your phone or watching TV right before bed can mess with your sleep more than you realize. Instead, give yourself a little time to unwind, whether that’s reading a book, journaling, or just enjoying some quiet.
  • Why It Works: When you’re well-rested, you’re better equipped to handle the holiday chaos—and you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy foods when you’re tired. Sleep impacts everything, from your energy levels to how you process cravings. A consistent sleep routine can help you stay on top of your health, even when things get hectic.

Take the First Step

You’re already doing so much, so remember—even small changes can make a big impact. The best part? These habits are simple, manageable, and easy to fit into your busy day. Remember, it's not about doing everything at once. Start by picking one or two to focus on this week. Whether it’s adding protein to breakfast or getting more sleep, small steps lead to big progress.

Need more tips or personalized support as we head into the holidays? Let’s connect! Reach out or follow me on Instagram for more simple strategies to help you stay energized and feel your best.

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