Why Traditional Wellness Advice Doesn't Work for Busy Moms [Part 2]

health & wellness Aug 05, 2024
wellness for moms

There is so much advice out there that it can make your head spin, right? So my goal is to help you reframe this and put it into easy ways for your life, not the other way around. 

In Part 1, we tackled the common wellness advice to get 8 hours of sleep and exercise for 30 minutes a day – and why these well-meaning tips often fall short for busy moms. We talked about focusing on sleep quality over quantity and breaking exercise into smaller chunks throughout the day. By making these small adjustments, you can start to see big improvements without feeling overwhelmed.

But we’re not stopping there!

In Part 2, we'll dive into the remaining tips that can make a real difference in your energy and well-being without adding more stress to your life. Stay with me as we explore how to eat a balanced diet, reduce stress, and finally take some well-deserved time for yourself. Let’s turn these challenges into manageable, achievable steps together!

“Eat a Balanced Diet”

Alright, let’s talk about eating a balanced diet. We all know it’s essential, right? But when you’re juggling picky eaters, a packed schedule, and the temptation of fast food because it’s quick and easy, maintaining a balanced diet can feel like climbing Mount Everest.

The reality is, as busy moms, we often prioritize feeding our families over ourselves. Skipping meals or grabbing whatever’s available becomes the norm - and guess what - that energy crash you have if you do this, well you know that that irritable that can make you. 

Eating well doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Some of my favorite things are simple, easy, and don’t take a lot of time. Simplify your approach to nutrition. Focus on quick, nutritious meals and snacks that don’t require hours of preparation. Keep healthy staples like fruits, nuts, and yogurt within arm’s reach. 

Think about it: meal prepping on weekends can be a lifesaver. Here are a couple of things that you can do to make your life easier during the week - and help you stay on track. 

  • Batch cook - make some grains (like quinoa) and protein (chicken, beef, etc) that you can mix and match throughout the week. 
  • Get your family involved and cut up all the veggies that you need throughout the week. We do this as a family and not only does it help me, but it gets the kids involved too! Win-Win
  • Make your own trail mix with ingredients that you actually enjoy - my fav is going into trader joes, grabbing raw nuts and some different dried fruits - then I have something that I can grab if I need to. 

Ok, so as a busy mom of 3, I get it - meal prepping can feel daunting and sometimes depending on all your kids schedules - almost not an option. But you can break it up into manageable steps that will help you stick to your goals of eating healthier during the week. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Even if you just prep some of the ingredients for the week, it can make a big difference. 

Inside Exhausted Moms Energy Fix, we focus on strategies that fuel your body while still making it easy to maintain. 

You might be thinking, “Yeah, but where do I start?” Start small. Maybe it’s prepping breakfast for the week or cutting up some veggies for easy snacking. These small steps can lead to significant changes in how you feel and function throughout the day.

I have a secret for you, once you start eating better, you’ll feel the difference. You’ll have more energy, better focus, and a sense of accomplishment that comes from taking care of yourself. It’s not about perfection; it’s about making choices that support your well-being, one step at a time. 


“Reduce Stress”

Let’s tackle the big one: reducing stress. We’ve all been told to “reduce stress,” but seriously, how? The demands of motherhood, work, and maintaining a household mean you can never really fully avoid stress. 

The reality is, traditional advice often overlooks the unique stressors that moms face. Simply being told to “reduce stress” can feel dismissive and unrealistic. And the thing is, the stress that we face is individual for us. It's not like you can just wave a magic wand and make the stress disappear, right? But oh man, wouldn’t it be nice if you could.

Managing stress isn’t about eliminating it entirely. It’s about finding practical, doable ways to handle it better. Think of it like this: stress is like that annoying background noise that never really goes away. But you can turn down the volume.

Incorporate practical stress-relief techniques into your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking five minutes to breathe deeply, practicing mindfulness, or enjoying a hobby that relaxes you. These small moments of calm can really add up and help manage stress more effectively. For me, things like taking a walk by myself, working out, and doing some deep breathing are all ways that help me to reduce stress. Sometimes it's even cleaning something - because then it's reducing the clutter that can also lead to stress. 

Here’s an expert tip: research shows that mindfulness can significantly reduce stress levels. Apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided sessions that can be done in just a few minutes, perfect for a quick mental reset.

Think about the last time you snapped at your kids or partner over something small. Was it really about the issue at hand, or was it because you were feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Stress has a way of creeping into every aspect of our lives, making it hard to enjoy even the good moments.

Now, imagine if you could find just a few minutes each day to reset and recharge. It doesn’t have to be a big production. Maybe it’s a short walk around the block, some deep breathing exercises, or even just sitting quietly with a cup of tea. These moments can help you feel more centered and less reactive.

And when you start incorporating these into your day, you’ll find that you can handle the bigger stressors better. You’ll be more patient, more focused, and better able to enjoy the fun times with your family! 


“Take Time for Yourself”

This one is kind of all encompassing for me - when someone tells you as a busy moms, just go get some ‘me time’ that can just add stress on top of the stress you are trying to reduce, right? I mean, you are already juggling a million things, right - just go ahead and add “me time’ to the mix! 

The reality is that the concept of “me time” often feels unattainable and, let’s be honest, a bit indulgent. Moms are wired to put everyone else first. You believe you should be constantly available for your family, and this self-sacrificing mindset is tough to shake off.

But at the end of the day, if you don’t find a way to take care of yourself and take time for yourself - you can’t be the best for your family. For many years, I avoided this, and felt guilty, but now I understand that I am doing this for everyone else just as much as myself - because without a little time for myself - burnout is inevitable. 

But what if I told you that taking time for yourself actually makes you a better mom, partner, professional, and friend?

The solution isn’t to carve out hours of alone time (although, wouldn’t that be nice every once and a while?). It’s about redefining what “me time” looks like. It doesn’t have to be a spa day or a long vacation. Even 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to enjoy a cup of tea, read a book, or take a walk can make a big difference. (BTW - if you are sensing a theme here on taking a walk for stress and me time - it's because studies have shown that being in the fresh air can reduce stress and that's a win in my book when I am taking time for myself). 

Let me ask you a question - and be honest with yourself. Could you start scheduling in 10 minutes a day to do something you enjoy….that is just for you? It could be as simple as sitting in silence, journaling, or listening to your favorite podcast. 

Over time, these small moments of ‘me time’ can add up and can significantly improve your mood and energy levels. 

Now, look at your calendar for this week and schedule in 10 minutes a day, just like you would any other important appointment. But here is the biggest thing I want you to remember - your kids are always watching, so when you take care of yourself  - you are modeling healthy behavior for your kids. They learn the importance of self-care by watching you. 

So,  if you’re thinking, “Nikki, you don’t get it—I really don’t have time,” trust me, I’ve been there. But I’ve also seen the incredible benefits that come from taking even a few minutes each day just for myself, and honestly - I make the time!

The more you practice taking time for yourself, the easier it becomes. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger with use. Start small and see how it changes your day.


Moving Forward

Traditional wellness advice often misses the mark for busy moms. It’s not that the advice is bad—it’s that it doesn’t always fit into our hectic lives. The truth is, small, realistic changes can make a huge difference without adding to your overwhelm.

Instead of thinking you need to overhaul your entire life overnight, focus on making one small change at a time. It's about progress, not perfection. Remember, even the smallest steps can lead to significant improvements in your energy and well-being.

Ready to discover practical, mom-friendly strategies to boost your energy and well-being? Here are two ways I can help you get started:

  1. Free Training - Mom’s Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great: This training is designed to help you find manageable ways to incorporate self-care into your busy life, ensuring you have the energy and joy to be your best self.
  2. Exhausted Moms Energy Fix - Jump on the Priority Waitlist: Be the first to know when the program launches and secure your spot to transform your energy and balance your life.

If you remember anything from this series - it's that taking small steps to better your health and improve your energy doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

With the right approach, you can make lasting changes that fit seamlessly into your daily routine. 

Feel energized, clear-headed, and balanced with simple steps that fit into your busy life - starting in just 6 days.


Feeling stuck and exhausted, no matter what you try? This 6-day reset if for busy moms who want to make changes. Learn simple, sustainable steps to finally boost your energy and feel like yourself again - without adding more to your plate!

Join me for "Mom's Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great" and discover how to boost your energy with simple, manageable steps that fit perfectly into your busy schedule.

Get the Free Training!

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