Why Traditional Wellness Advice Doesn't Work for Busy Moms [Part 1)

health & wellness Jul 29, 2024
Traditional Wellness Advice - Busy Mom

Picture this…. You wake up (exhausted), sometimes more tired than you went to bed - and you think to yourself, I just want to wake up and feel good, be excited about my day and feel focused and productive. 

And you have probably heard these same pieces of advice a million times: “Get more sleep,” “Exercise regularly,” “Eat a balanced diet.” Sounds like a dream, right? But when you're a busy mom juggling work, kids, and the never-ending to-do list, this traditional wellness advice can sometimes miss the mark. The truth is, trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight is overwhelming and just not practical.

Here’s the thing: you read all this advice, and you know it’s important. But then you freeze, paralyzed by the sheer volume of it all, and end up doing nothing, and you continue in this spiral of exhaustion. And you WANT to do it - but don’t know where to start and youneed practical solutions that fit into your already jam-packed schedules.

Don’t get me wrong—these tips are solid gold for your health, and honestly - I believe in all of them. The problem isn’t the advice itself; it’s figuring out how to implement it without losing your sanity. So, let’s dive into why these standard tips often miss the mark and how we can make small, manageable tweaks that actually fit our lives and make a real difference.

“Get 8 Hours of Sleep”

This one will hit a nerve with so many of you because sometimes it's just out of your control. You’ve heard it a million times: “You need 8 hours of sleep.” And you know it’s true. But between late-night feedings, sick kids, and a never-ending to-do list that you keep thinking about as you try to fall asleep… 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep sounds like a fairy tale.

Here’s the thing: you know sleep is important. But what happens? You end up staying up late to fold laundry, binge-watch Netflix, or scroll through social media because you think it’s the only quiet time you get. Midnight rolls around, and that 6 AM alarm is just a few hours away. Moms often sacrifice their sleep to keep everything running smoothly. And don’t even get me started on the stress that keeps you tossing and turning all night. (And by the way - I know this, because it used to be me….either that or I was soooo exhausted that I would put my kids to bed and fall asleep with them - wake up at midnight feeling stressed about everything I didn’t do - sound familiar?)

So, let’s talk about making the sleep you do get count. The gold standard is 7-8 hours, sure, but if that’s not happening, let’s improve the quality. Think of it like this: it’s not just about the hours, it’s about the quality of those hours. Start with a calming bedtime routine—ditch the screens, dim the lights, maybe read a book or do some deep breathing. Create a little bedtime ritual that signals to your brain it’s time to wind down. 

And if you are thinking, but all I want to do is just crash, roll over and go to sleep, remember this: studies show that better sleep quality can boost your mood, cognitive function, and overall health. 

So, if you’re thinking, “Yeah, right, Nikki, I don’t have time for that,” trust me—making sleep a priority will leave you feeling more steady and ready to take on whatever comes your way. You deserve it, and so does your sanity.


“Exercise for 30 Minutes Every Day”

There have been times in my life where I literally made every excuse in the world to exercise, and other times where I made sure I was doing it - but then I felt guilty for putting myself first, and would stop. 

So you hear it all the time: “Exercise for 30 minutes a day.” Sounds simple, right? But if you are being honest,  between school drop-offs, work meetings, grocery runs, chauffeuring your kids to their sports and activities and trying to squeeze in a moment for yourself, finding a solid 30-minute block to work out can feel like trying to find a unicorn.

Here’s the reality: often busy moms don’t have the luxury of dedicating a big chunk of time to exercise. And even if you do find that time, the guilt of taking it away from your family can be overwhelming. You end up feeling like you have to choose between being a good mom and taking care of yourself. That’s a tough spot to be in - I’ve been there. 

If you are struggling to start carving out time for movement, you don’t need a 30-minute block to get started. Break it up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Do squats while you’re folding laundry, take a brisk walk during your lunch break, or even have a mini dance party with your kids. The key is to weave movement into your day, bit by bit.

Studies show that even short bursts of exercise can be just as effective as longer sessions. So, if you can’t fit in a 30-minute workout, aim for three 10-minute sessions throughout the day. There are great apps like Seven that offer quick workouts that fit right into your schedule. And inside Exhausted Moms Energy Fix, we help you create a personalized workout routine that you’ll actually stick to because it fits your life and makes you feel excited.

Here’s a golden nugget: Once you start moving, you’ll actually want to keep moving. It’s like a positive feedback loop. Those little bursts of activity add up, and before you know it, you might find yourself carving out that 30-minute session because it feels so good. Movement begets movement. It’s all about making it work for you. 

You’ve got this!

Please remember this there is a lot of advice out there to stay healthy, keep your energy up, lose weight, etc, and it can get overwhelming to see it all at once, so in an effort not to overwhelm you I broke this blog up into 2 parts so, stay tuned for Part 2, where we will dive into more tips that can make a real difference in your energy and well-being without adding more stress to your life. 

And, if you are ready to start making changes that actually fit into your busy life? Don’t wait for the perfect moment, because as you know - it doesn’t exist. Here are 2 ways that you discover more mom-friendly strategies that actually work: 

  1. Free Training - Mom’s Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great: This training is designed to help you find manageable ways to incorporate self-care into your busy life, ensuring you have the energy and joy to be your best self.
  2. Exhausted Moms Energy Fix - Jump on the Priority Waitlist: Be the first to know when the program launches and secure your spot to transform your energy and balance your life.

Feel energized, clear-headed, and balanced with simple steps that fit into your busy life - starting in just 6 days.


Feeling stuck and exhausted, no matter what you try? This 6-day reset if for busy moms who want to make changes. Learn simple, sustainable steps to finally boost your energy and feel like yourself again - without adding more to your plate!

Join me for "Mom's Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great" and discover how to boost your energy with simple, manageable steps that fit perfectly into your busy schedule.

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