The Power of Saying Yes: How One Decision Can Change Everything

mindset & motivation Aug 12, 2024
say yes, exhausted, mom

Most days mom life feels like one long to-do list that never ends? You wake up thinking about all the things you have to do and you go to bed with your thoughts racing about what you didn’t get done today, the worries of your kids, and allll the things that have to get done tomorrow. I assume you can relate, and you are likely nodding your head right now. And you know what, you are not alone. 

You have all of these things going on, so it's easy to understand why we put ourselves at the bottom of the list. But guess what, you have to say YES to yourself first. 

Let’s talk about why.

The Truth About Saying No to Yourself

As a mom, you’re constantly making sacrifices. It’s just part of the job, right? But here’s the thing: when you keep saying no to yourself—whether it’s skipping that 5-minute breather, pushing through exhaustion, or putting your own needs last—it adds up.

And here’s the kicker: research shows that chronic stress, which is often a result of neglecting your own needs, can lead to some serious health issues, like heart disease and a weakened immune system. But beyond the physical toll, this constant self-neglect is also what’s fueling that deep, bone-weary exhaustion you feel every single day. You’re not just tired because you’re busy—you’re tired because you’re not giving yourself what you need to keep going.

Picture this: You’re rushing through the day, running on nothing but coffee and sheer willpower. You’re juggling work deadlines, school drop-offs, and that never-ending list of things that need to get done. By the time you get home, you’re completely spent, but the demands keep coming. Your kids need help with homework, dinner needs to be made, and you still need to muster the energy to be patient, loving, and fully present. But all you want to do is collapse on the couch and close your eyes for just five minutes. Sound familiar?

Here’s the reality: you can’t pour from an empty cup. When you’re constantly giving and never taking the time to recharge, burnout isn’t just a possibility—it’s a certainty. And that’s not just bad for you—it’s bad for everyone who depends on you. If you’re drained, there’s no way you can show up as the mom, partner, or friend you want to be.

Imagine trying to pour a glass of water when the pitcher is empty. No matter how much you tilt it, nothing comes out. That’s what it’s like when you try to keep going without filling your own cup. You can try to push through, but eventually, there’s nothing left to give. Your patience runs thin, your energy wanes, and that’s when the exhaustion really sets in.

But what if, instead of constantly running on empty, you made a conscious decision to start refilling your cup—little by little, day by day? What if you prioritized those small moments that help you recharge, so you can show up fully for the people who matter most?

Saying Yes to Yourself is Saying Yes to Them

Think about it this way: when you say yes to yourself, you’re actually saying yes to your family too. It might seem counterintuitive, but here’s the truth: taking care of yourself isn’t just about you—it’s about everyone who depends on you.

When you’re running on empty, you’re not giving your best to anyone. You might be there physically, but mentally and emotionally, you’re tapped out. Your patience is thinner, your mood is less stable, and the little things start to feel like big challenges. But when you make the decision to prioritize yourself—even in small ways—you’re actually giving your family a better version of you.

This is where the concept of worthiness comes in. In the book Worthy, the idea is that many of us have been conditioned to believe our worth is tied to how much we do for others, often at the expense of our well-being. But the truth is, your worth isn’t dependent on how much you give—it’s intrinsic. You deserve to take care of yourself simply because you are worthy of that care. When you embrace this truth, you’ll start to see that prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential.

And here’s the thing: when you say yes to yourself, you’re also saying yes to more energy, more patience, and more presence with your family. You’re saying yes to being the mom who can handle those stressful moments with grace, the partner who has the energy to engage in meaningful conversations, and the friend who can be there when it counts.

So, where do you start? The first step is simple but powerful: make the decision to say yes to yourself. This isn’t about adding more to your already full plate. It’s about recognizing that you deserve to prioritize your needs, even in small ways.

But What About the Guilt?

Let’s be honest—saying yes to yourself can feel uncomfortable, even a little selfish. There’s this voice in the back of your mind, whispering that taking time for yourself means you’re neglecting your responsibilities, or worse, letting your family down. That guilt can be paralyzing, keeping you stuck in a cycle of giving and giving until there’s nothing left. But here’s the thing: that guilt? It’s just a feeling, not a fact.

It’s natural to feel guilty, but it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. In fact, moms who prioritize their own well-being are more likely to raise healthier, happier kids. When you model balance and self-respect, you’re teaching your children to value themselves too. And isn’t that what you want for them?

Now, let’s connect this back to the exhaustion you’ve been feeling. That guilt-driven cycle of constant giving is one of the main reasons you’re so tired. You’re spending so much energy on everyone else that there’s nothing left for you. It’s like trying to drive a car on a tank running near empty—you can keep going for a while, but eventually, you’re going to stall out.

But what if, instead of letting guilt dictate your choices, you made a conscious decision to flip the script? What if you started to see saying yes to yourself as a way to be a better mom, partner, and person? When you take care of yourself—when you fill your own cup—you’re actually giving more to those you love. You’re more patient, more present, and more able to handle the daily challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

So, the next time that guilt creeps in, remind yourself of this: saying yes to yourself isn’t taking away from your family—it’s giving them the best version of you.

The Bottom Line

It all comes down to this: you deserve to say yes to yourself. Not just once in a while, but every single day. When you make yourself a priority, you’re not just improving your life—you’re creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone around you.

Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. It’s the foundation of your ability to show up fully for the people who depend on you. And if you ever feel like you’re slipping back into old habits, remember this: you can’t be the best version of yourself for others if you’re constantly running on empty.

So, where do you start? Start by making the decision to say yes to yourself. It doesn’t have to be big or dramatic—just a small, intentional shift that acknowledges your worth. Maybe it’s saying yes to a few minutes of quiet before the kids wake up, yes to taking a walk outside to clear your head, or even yes to asking for help when you need it.

These small yeses add up, and over time, they’ll help you break free from that cycle of exhaustion. You’ll find that you have more energy, more patience, and more capacity to show up for the people you love. And most importantly, you’ll be showing yourself the love and care you deserve.

This is exactly what we focus on in Exhausted Moms Energy Fix —helping you make these small but powerful shifts that lead to lasting energy and well-being. This program is designed to fit into your busy life, giving you the tools and support you need to say yes to yourself, reclaim your energy, and be the mom, partner, and person you want to be.

So, what’s your first yes going to be today?

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Feeling stuck and exhausted, no matter what you try? This 6-day reset if for busy moms who want to make changes. Learn simple, sustainable steps to finally boost your energy and feel like yourself again - without adding more to your plate!

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