Top 5 Mistakes Exhausted Moms Make (And How to Avoid Them)

health & wellness Jul 22, 2024

You're reading a bedtime story, struggling to keep your eyes open, and all you can think about is how tired you are. Sound familiar? If you're feeling worn out and running on empty, you're not alone. Let's talk about some common mistakes that keep us stuck in this cycle and, more importantly, how you can avoid them!

Skipping Meals 
We've all been there. I remember grabbing a cup of coffee and a muffin, or a slice of banana bread from Starbucks on my way to work, thinking it’d tide me over until lunch. By mid-morning, I’d be reaching for another coffee, feeling that familiar energy dip. Sometimes, I’d skip lunch because I was “too busy,” only to snack on whatever was available later. Honestly, I thought saving time would be better, but I soon learned that skipping meals or relying on quick fixes leaves you running on fumes. It’s like expecting a car to run on an empty tank.

Now, think about the last time you skipped lunch because you were too busy. By 3 PM, you were probably feeling shaky, irritable, and desperate for anything to eat. You might have ended up grabbing something unhealthy, only to feel guilty and sluggish afterward. It's a vicious cycle that’s hard to break.

Start by planning your meals ahead of time. Even if it’s just making a batch of overnight oats for breakfast or prepping some salad ingredients for lunch, these small steps can make a big difference. Keep healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, or yogurt at your desk to avoid the temptation of vending machine treats. Think of food as fuel. When you eat balanced meals, you're giving your body the nutrients it needs to keep up with your busy life.

And if you're thinking, "Yeah, right, Nikki, I don't have time for that," trust me—making time to fuel up properly will leave you feeling more steady and ready to take on your day


Sacrificing Sleep 
“Sleep? What’s sleep?” I can practically hear the eye rolls from here. Raise your hand (even if you’re by yourself) if after putting the kids to bed, you stay up folding laundry, watching TV, or scrolling through social media, thinking it’s the only time you have for yourself. Lack of sleep catches up with you. It affects your mood, your health, and your ability to cope with daily stress. You tell yourself you’ll catch up on sleep over the weekend, but that rarely happens. Sleep is when your body repairs itself, processes information, and recharges. Without enough sleep, you're more prone to stress, mood swings, and a weakened immune system. Did you know that if you deprive yourself of sleep long enough it can lead to chronic health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and depression?

Remember the last time you stayed up late to catch up on chores or enjoy some quiet time? The next day, you probably felt foggy, had a short fuse with your kids, and struggled to focus at work. It’s hard to be patient and present when you’re exhausted.

Make sleep a priority. Create a calming bedtime routine—think warm showers or reading a book. Set a regular bedtime and stick to it, even on weekends. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep to recharge. Trust me, a well-rested you is a more energized you. Consider setting a bedtime alarm to remind yourself to start winding down. It can be a game changer when you actually wake up feeling great!


Ignoring Stress 
Feeling the stress monster creeping up on you but keep telling yourself you’ll deal with it later? Meanwhile, it’s turning you into a grumpy mess and zapping your focus. Maybe you notice you’re snapping at your kids or finding it hard to concentrate at work, or your body feels really tense and you have an uneasy feeling in your stomach. Ignoring stress doesn’t make it go away; it just builds up until you’re ready to explode. Unchecked stress can lead to chronic health problems like hypertension, heart disease, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It’s like a sneaky thief that steals your happiness and peace.

Remember the last time you lost it over something small, like spilled milk or a misplaced toy? Was it really about that little incident, or was it the stress boiling over? Stress has a way of creeping into every part of our lives, making it tough to enjoy even the good moments.

Incorporate quick stress-relief techniques into your day. This could be deep breathing, a short walk, or even a few minutes of mindfulness. These small moments of calm can add up and help manage stress more effectively. Research shows that even 5 minutes of mindfulness can significantly reduce stress levels. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided sessions that are perfect for busy moms. I use these apps on the regular and just a few minutes can leave me feeling so much better!


Skipping Movement 
It's so tempting to skip exercise when you’re already feeling exhausted. I mean, who has the energy, right? But here’s the kicker: lack of movement actually makes you feel more tired. You might think, “I don’t have time for a workout,” but even short bursts of physical activity can give you a surprising boost. Regular movement increases blood flow, boosts endorphins (those feel-good hormones), and helps regulate your sleep cycle. Plus, it reduces stress and anxiety, making you feel more capable of handling your daily chaos.’ve been sitting at your desk all day, your back aches, your mood is in the dumps, and you feel like a slug. Even a tiny bit of movement can change things for you. Aim for at least 10-15 minutes of movement throughout the day. It can be as simple as a brisk walk around the block, some light stretching, or a quick yoga session. No need for a gym membership or fancy equipment—just a commitment to move a little every day. I set an alarm and aim to do 10 squats every hour, and if you are thinking - yeah right…I have to go to an office - well maybe you can start a trend! Remember, this isn't about losing weight - it's about keeping your energy up!

Remember, even small steps count. Now I want you to notice how much better you feel after just a little bit of movement? It helps reduce stress, improves sleep, and boosts overall energy levels. You’ve got this!


Trying to Do It All Alone 
Taking on all the household tasks, managing the kids’ schedules, and handling work responsibilities without asking for help is a recipe for burnout. You might think, “It’s just easier if I do it myself,” but trying to do everything alone is a fast track to exhaustion. No one can juggle all the responsibilities without support. This leads to burnout, resentment, and decreased productivity. Plus, it’s a missed opportunity to teach your kids responsibility and teamwork.

Think about the last time you tried to tackle everything on your own. By the end of the day, you were probably feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and utterly exhausted. I’ve been there too, starting the day with good intentions and ending it feeling like I’ve run a marathon. Now, imagine how different it would be if you had some help. It’s okay to ask for help and delegate tasks.

I remember the first time I created a family chore chart. It was such a huge help and, honestly I felt a weight come off my shoulders. Sharing the load can make a big difference in reducing stress and freeing up your time. Involving your family in household tasks not only lightens your load but also teaches kids responsibility. And if you are thinking, my kids are too little - they are never too young to learn how to help - even in tiny doses. 

These adjustments might seem small, but they can significantly impact your energy and well-being.

Struggling with Exhaustion and Stress?
Are you feeling exhausted and struggling to keep up with everything on your plate? Here are two ways I can help:

  1. Free Training - Mom’s Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great: This training is designed to help you find manageable ways to incorporate self-care into your busy life, ensuring you have the energy and joy to be your best self.
  2. Exhausted Moms Energy Fix - Jump on the priority waitlist: Be the first to know when the program launches and secure your spot to transform your energy and balance your life.

Feel energized, clear-headed, and balanced with simple steps that fit into your busy life - starting in just 6 days.


Feeling stuck and exhausted, no matter what you try? This 6-day reset if for busy moms who want to make changes. Learn simple, sustainable steps to finally boost your energy and feel like yourself again - without adding more to your plate!

Join me for "Mom's Energy Reset: 6 Days to Start Feeling Great" and discover how to boost your energy with simple, manageable steps that fit perfectly into your busy schedule.

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