Tired All the Time? These 3 Ingredients Might Be Why

health & wellness Sep 24, 2024
healthy eating, ingredients,

You’re doing your best to eat healthy, but no matter what, it still feels like an uphill battle. I know how it goes…you drag yourself out of bed in the morning, just in time to maybe grab a cup of coffee, get the kids ready for school, and yourself ready for work - and before you know it, you are out the door and you don't have time for breakfast. So you grab something quick, even if you know it’s not the best choice. By the time the day’s over, you’re too tired to cook or plan out meals, and let’s face it—processed foods are just more convenient.

Here’s the thing: it’s not just what you eat that’s draining your energy—it’s what’s hidden in the foods you’re reaching for. When I work with busy moms like you, we start by identifying these hidden ingredients that are silently sabotaging your energy, messing with your hormones, and causing inflammation.

The best part? You don’t need extra time or complicated meal prep to fix it. With a few simple swaps, you can clean up these energy-draining ingredients and feel better—without adding more to your already packed schedule.

The Top 3 Hidden Ingredients Draining Your Energy

You might be trying to eat healthy, but certain hidden ingredients in everyday foods could be silently zapping your energy. Here are the top three culprits—and how they’re affecting you more than you realize:

  1. Refined Sugar/Artificial Sweeteners: Refined sugars are everywhere, even in foods you wouldn’t expect—like sauces, bread, protein bars, and even salad dressings. Names like high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, or dextrose are common on ingredient labels (and there are many more hidden in plain sight.) These sugars give you a quick energy boost, but it’s followed by a sharp crash that leaves you feeling more tired, cranky, and craving even more sugar. Over time, this cycle messes with your metabolism, energy regulation, and overall mood. Then there are artificial sweeteners, like aspartame and sucralose. Marketed as a “healthier” alternative, they trick your brain into thinking you’re consuming sugar, which increases cravings and makes it even harder to manage your energy. They’ve also been linked to hormonal disruptions, which can make managing hunger and energy levels a constant battle. Both sugar and artificial sweeteners are also linked to inflammation - which can wreak havoc on your energy levels. 
  2. Seed Oils: Seed oils like canola, vegetable, and sunflower oil are found in a lot of processed foods, from salad dressings and chips to pre-made snacks. While they’re cheap and widely used, they’re packed with omega-6 fatty acids, which can lead to inflammation. This inflammation drains your energy, leaving you feeling sluggish, bloated, and foggy. Even worse, eating too much of these oils throws off the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which is crucial for hormone regulation. When your hormones are out of balance, it’s harder to manage fatigue, mood swings, and brain fog.
  3. Preservatives: Preservatives like sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and nitrates are commonly added to extend the shelf life of processed foods. While convenient, they come at a cost—your gut health. The gut is often called your "second brain" because it’s directly linked to mood, energy levels, and even hormones. Disrupting your gut’s natural balance with preservatives can leave you feeling sluggish and low on energy, even if you’re eating enough. Long-term, these additives can create a cycle of inflammation and poor nutrient absorption, making it harder for your body to get the energy it needs from food.

Simple, Quick Swaps for Busy Moms

Now that you know which hidden ingredients are draining your energy, the next step is making simple swaps that don’t add more time or stress to your day. Here’s how you can start cleaning up your diet with easy, realistic changes that fit into your busy schedule:

  1. Swap Refined Sugar for Natural Sweeteners: Instead of reaching for products loaded with refined sugar or artificial sweeteners, try adding natural options like honey, maple syrup, dates, or monk fruit. These won’t cause the same energy spikes and crashes, and dates, in particular, are a great option as they don’t spike blood sugar. For example, switch out sugar-laden flavored yogurts for plain yogurt with a drizzle of honey or chopped dates for natural sweetness.
  2. Replace Seed Oils with Healthier Fats: If you’ve been cooking with seed oils like canola or vegetable oil, try swapping them for healthier alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil. These oils provide essential fats that support your brain and hormone health—helping you feel more energized without adding any extra prep time.
  3. Choose Whole, Preservative-Free Snacks: It’s tempting to grab processed snacks when you’re in a rush, but many of them are loaded with preservatives. Instead, opt for easy, whole-food options like fresh fruit, raw nuts, or vegetables. These foods not only avoid harmful preservatives but also give you lasting energy. And if you need something in a pinch, there are much better alternatives with better choice ingredients out there too. 

The best part? These swaps don’t require any complicated planning or prep. When you work with me, we focus on simple, manageable changes like this that help you feel more energized without overhauling everything overnight.

Why These Swaps Can Make a Big Difference

These small changes might seem simple, but they can have a huge impact on your energy, hormones, and overall well-being. Here’s why these swaps matter:

  1. Reducing Inflammation: When you cut out refined sugars, seed oils, and preservatives, you’re reducing the inflammation in your body. Inflammation is a major factor in feeling fatigued and sluggish. By making these simple swaps, you’ll start to feel lighter and more energized as your body isn’t working overtime to fight off harmful ingredients.
  2. Balancing Hormones: Hormones like insulin, cortisol, and leptin play a huge role in how you feel day-to-day. Ingredients like refined sugar and artificial sweeteners cause imbalances in these hormones, which can leave you feeling drained, moody, and constantly hungry. When you swap these out for more natural options, you’ll help balance your hormones, leading to more consistent energy levels and better mood control.
  3. Supporting Gut Health: Your gut health is directly tied to your energy levels. Preservatives and artificial ingredients can disrupt the balance of good bacteria in your gut, leading to bloating, fatigue, and low energy. By choosing preservative-free, whole foods, you’re supporting a healthier gut, which in turn helps regulate your energy and mood.

These swaps don’t require hours of meal prepping or complicated recipes, but they do make a difference. When you work with me, we focus on making these realistic changes that fit seamlessly into your life, so you can feel better without the overwhelm.

Your Next Simple Step

You don’t need a full kitchen overhaul or hours of prep time to start feeling more energized. The hidden ingredients in your everyday foods might be draining your energy, but with a few simple swaps, you can make a big difference.

By reducing refined sugar, swapping out seed oils, and avoiding preservatives, you’re taking small but powerful steps toward reducing inflammation, balancing your hormones, and supporting your gut health—all of which lead to steady, consistent energy throughout the day.

These changes are doable, even with a busy schedule. When you work with me, we focus on making these small shifts that don’t require extra time or effort but deliver real results. If you’re curious about what it looks like to work with me or want more energy-boosting tips, be sure to grab my Mom’s Guide to Protein Packed Meals and join my email list. I’ll guide you through small, practical changes that will leave you feeling more energized and ready to take on your day.

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